Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Impact Digital Marketing has in the Film/TV Industry

This month has been very enriching for me. I am currently taking the Digital Marketing class and it is amazing how marketing strategies have changed due to technology. I know a lot about traditional marketing methods such as, banners, TV, newspapers, magazines, flyers, etc. but it has evolved because of the Internet.

“Digital Marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. For example, advertising mediums that might be used as part of the digital marketing strategy of a business could include promotional efforts made via the Internet, social media, mobile phones and electronic billboards, as well as via digital and television and radio channels.” (Business Dictionary, n.d.)

 You don’t need to spend an exuberant amount of money on marketing anymore. It has become cheaper and more accessible to any person to market his/her own product or service by using the advances in technology.
Now, let me talk to you about what really interests me about this subject, which is digital marketing for the Film/TV industry. Elements like social media; online PR and video search engine have become the new way in which movies and TV shows are being marketed.
 In my opinion the biggest impact within this industry has been Social Media. With websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, marketing in the Film/TV industry is in another level. For example, for the movie “Paranormal Activity,” Paramount Pictures used a Facebook campaign. The movie was made with less than $15,000 and grossed more than $180 million at box office. Isn’t that incredible! 
Another awesome thing that Social Media brings to the table is a connection with fans. Big TV networks engage their audience using Social Media. For example, ABC Family uses Twitter to send sneak-peaks, behind the scenes videos and clips about the show “Pretty Little Liars.”

Another great element used for digital marketing is video websites. Long time ago we had to see trailers in the movie theater or TV shows sneak peaks on the television. Pages like YouTube, Hulu, Blip, VeVo and Ustream have changed this. Today you only have to search for what you want to see online and it appears if it is available.

Using online PR has also been very effective when marketing a movie or a TV show. With online PR, networks and film production companies use online magazines, bloggers and other websites who help in the promotion of their products.

Some recommendations before starting your digital marketing campaign for a Film or TV show that I can give you are:
  • Research.
  •  Know your audience.
  •  Become an avid user of Social Media websites.
  • Use personalized strategies to engage your fans.
  •  Use blogs.
  •  Learn from past marketing campaigns.
I hope that my tips will help you, because marketing has definitely changed and if you are an entertainment entrepreneur you will find the way to market your movie, TV show or music using a small budget with digital marketing. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Another thing…here is an article of the advantages of going digital:


  1. Well put Nabila! Digital Marketing has changed the traditional way companies market their brand and products. Having social networks has become a must for all businesses now in days thanks to technology and the changes it has created. Great example use of the "Paranormal Activity" that shows how simple and how rewarding it can be. The most important aspect is, knowing the target market and how to get them interested in the company brand or product.

  2. I definitely think there are pros and cons of using digital marketing for the TV/Film industry. One of my main concerns is, due to the low barrier of entry with the new social media platforms I would imagine in some form the quality of the content could lower as well.

    However, I think as users have access to more tools the need for quality will be relevant.

    Paranormal activity would definitely be an exception to the rule as far as costs to produce a feature length film. The ROI is incredible.

    1. was a great return for the company.

  3. I was so so excited just to even open up your blog because i like the name of your blog to being with. I think that engaging the modern day demographic is certainly by using social media. Social media is something that we use each and every day for sure. By getting information to your intended audience through this forum also opens up a new avenue of consumers. i do like that you gave recommendations on things to know before you do a film because you don't want to waste time or money. Sometimes the hardest thing to figure out is who your intended audience is and how you will reach them. most people think that having a broader audience will actually help them when in fact, the bigger the audience, the more harm you can actually do to your business. Thanks for sharing this with us!
