Wednesday, June 20, 2012

“Moving into the Devil’s Building”

Walking in a new neighborhood with that angry and disappointed face like always, but you notice that everything around you looks amazing. The trees, flowers, the people and the animals are the most beautiful living things in that area.  Then, you lift your head up and see in the corner of Park Avenue a beautiful Victorian edification named “The Drake”. Something inside you tells you to “go in”. As you go inside everything dazzles you, the amazing lobby, the stairs, the chandeliers, the floor, even the man who runs the place. A man, in his early 30s with the eyes, the smile and the hair of the mythological gods.  Something draws you to this place. A new life, a new beginning, you really don’t know. Asks if there is an apartment available immediately.  By chance there is one.  They show it to you and you decide right away that you want to rent it. In the moment you signed the entrance to your new apartment your life changes completely. Welcome to “666 Park Avenue”.